Our Location

      1806 Humble Place Dr.,

      Humble, TX 77338

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Do you accept insurance?

      Most major insurances are accepted but your co-pays and deductions must be met for visits and labs. Most insurance companies do not cover natural, bio-identical hormone prescriptions due to their natural base. However, we will supply forms that you can submit to your insurance company to attempt reimbursement.

      Please know that if you are eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, or Champus, we do not accept these insurances.

      In all cases, we appreciate and expect payment in full for our services at the time they are rendered, and in return, we pledge to provide you with exceptional attention and medical care as we place you on a life-long path of health and wellness.

      Watch Dr. Taylor speak about insurance.

      What are your fees?

      • Natural Medications
        Natural, compounded medications will be prescribed and may be obtained from a compounding pharmacy. The amount will vary, depending upon the physician's recommendations. This range is generally on average $200 monthly. This is not included in the initial medical investment.
      • Advantages Pharmacy Vitamins and Supplements
        Additionally, vitamin and mineral supplementation will be recommended. For the first month, this investment is approximately to be $50-$150. This amount will vary thereafter, based on your specific needs. This is not included in the initial medical investment.
      • Follow-up Visits and Services
        The first office visit fee is $170 for patients without accepted insurance. After your initial consultation, follow-up visits are $95. Any lab work or other services provided are additional. The frequency and extent of future follow-up visits depend on your progress. However, the average patient will return to the office once every three to six months after the hormone balance is achieved.

      What is your success rate?

      Based upon our clinical experiences, approximately 80% of the people who undertake our treatment recommendations achieve resolution of the symptoms for which they were seeking medical care.

      The success of individuals who utilize our treatment regimen is largely dependent upon their commitment to restoring their health. We know that the patients who achieve the most dramatic gains in the resolution of their symptoms are the ones who follow the recommendations of our physicians, everything from hormone supplementation to eating recommendations, from lifestyle modifications to vitamin and mineral supplementation.

      We have also found that when individuals maintain an optimistic outlook on their eventual health success, they generally exceed both our and their expectations. It is not uncommon for an individual to achieve resolution of their symptoms within a relatively short time, for instance, 3 months. It is far less common for an individual to notice no improvement at the same time and rare that an individual would worsen.

      Do you ever see people that you can't help?

      Yes, despite our best efforts, occasionally we will see a patient who is not a good match for our treatment regimen. This has to do primarily with attitude. When individuals do not believe they can get better, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      Secondarily, we make every attempt to educate patients before their first visit regarding the scope and cost of our treatment regimen. Unfortunately, some individuals are unable to follow through with the financial commitment required over the long term to purchase hormone prescriptions and/or vitamins and discontinue this treatment regimen.

      Finally, some individuals get conflicting advice and opinions from other medical professionals, family, or friends, which leads them to discontinue treatment. Few medical doctors, and even fewer lay individuals, understand the intricate connection between nutrition, the immune system, and hormonal balance. As long as there remains ignorance and confusion about these areas, there will continue to be some individuals who we are unable to help.

      What causes aging and isn't aging natural?

      Sure aging is natural, if you live long enough! Death is natural too, but so are wrinkles! However, who doesn't fight the inevitable? Aging is caused by the slow and steady decline of our bodies' natural hormones. Our hormones were at their peak when we were young, healthy adults. The thyroid hormones, sex hormones, and adrenal hormones all decline with age. This decline is associated with the onset of degenerative problems such as heart disease, hypertension, strokes, adult-onset diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's and cancer. Numerous symptoms occur with hormonal decline as we age including: loss of energy, weight gain, decreased mental sharpness, depression, anxiety, irritability, joint and muscle pains, headaches, sluggish bowel function, hair loss, cold sensitivities, numbness and tingling in the extremities, insomnia, restless sleep, tiredness after sleep, afternoon fatigue, loss of stamina and endurance, decreased libido, loss of sexual potency, irregular menstrual cycles, fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, weight gain, and loss of resistance to infections.

      These symptoms are so very common that they are considered normal by individuals and physicians alike. But they are not normal, rather they are a sign of a decline in bio-identical hormones that accompany aging. These symptoms are an indication that our bodies are transitioning from health and wellness to sickness and tiredness.

      Since aging is caused by a decline in our natural hormones, it can be easily corrected by bio-identical hormone replacement. Think of hormonal decline as a drought. If your grass and plants are withering during the summer months due to a heat wave and lack of rain, then you can accept this as natural and normal, or you can water your yard to ensure that your grass and plants live. When your hormones decline, as they inevitably will, you can replenish them with the same natural, bio-identical hormones, restoring your health, or you can suffer the drought of hormones with all the associated problems. It is ultimately your choice.

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